Friday, May 31, 2013

The Hummers are Back !!

Female Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

The hummingbirds arrived May 18th this year!  The high winds and heavy rain did not stop our feathered friends from feeding and entertaining us for the afternoon!!  We enjoyed staying inside sippin on a cup of coffee and capturing some photos through the window!

Male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

And I couldn't help but add this photo !!!!
I managed to get two focal points in the one shot .. LOL!!  One is obvious .... and if you look closely, you can see that his tiny little tongue is sticking out!!

If you would like to see some more hummingbirds, click here!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Gray Jay

 This little fella, along with his better half are sure to be perched everyday on our deck rail at mealtimes!!  They are very patient too because they know a great meal is on the way!! One morning they got lucky with some homemade blueberry pancakes!! (yes, with syrup....haha)

Patiently waiting for a bedtime snack!!

Patience paid off!! Going to bed with a full belly!!

Gray Jays are highly curious and always on the lookout for food....They nest during late winter, incubating the eggs in temperatures that may drop below minus 30°C.  I also learned that gray jays do not attempt a second brood in the May–June breeding period, even though the warmer conditions would appear to be more favorable for them.  They weigh 2.5-ounces and have to consume about 50 calories per day!!  (They certainly get that here!!)  Their fluffy plumage puffs up in winter and even their nostrils are covered in feathers!!

Here is a very interesting fact:

The oldest Gray Jay on record was at least 17 years old. Banded in 1985, it was recaptured and re-released by a bird bander in Colorado in 2002. (WOW!!)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Make Way for the Warblers!!

Well, you learn something new everyday.... and today I learned that the Palm Warbler is a "tail-wagging" bird!! who loves to show off its yellow undertail !!  They have a unique song of their own.. to hear it, click on this link:

Palm Warbler

These beautiful little songbirds were very much welcomed upon arrival yesterday with some friends, the Yellow-Rumped Warblers, (see photos below) and there were many of them....arriving with much excitement....going from tree to tree & feeding themselves with all the insects they could find; not to mention, looking for the best nest making spots along the river & pond!!

Yellow-Rumped Warbler
This little guy seems quite content singing his tune!! Want to hear it?